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EYE AND VISIONは、目に関するあらゆる情報が掲載された、眼科医および専門医のために執筆された英文ジャーナル誌です。眼科学以外にも、臨床研究、最新機器の開発、診断のテクニック、外科的治療、医療機器、薬品、臨床試験の結果など、幅広い医療情報を発信し、目の病気だけでなく病態生理学と病因学の進歩についても読むことができます。眼科医だけでなく、検査技師、検眼士、研究者、斜視矯正医、および医療に携わる多くの人々に、世界的で革新的なアイデア、高度な知識・情報を提供している雑誌です。
※EYE AND VISIONは、眼科分野において世界トップレベルを誇る温州医科大学および提携眼科病院によって出版費用がカバーされております。

■Journal of Refractive Surgery

■The Open Ophthalmology journal
■BMC Ophthalmology

■Journal of Ophthalmic Research and Ocular Care
Journal of Ophthalmic Research and Ocular Careは、眼科治療および眼科手術に焦点を当てた英文の国際眼科専門誌です。眼科および視覚科学のすべての分野の記事が掲載され、世界各国の眼科医が自由にアクセスできる学術ジャーナルです。この雑誌に掲載される前に、論文の質(研究内容、情報の最新性、信憑性、着眼点)を評価して掲載の可否を判断する編集委員は世界各国を代表する21名の医師たちで構成されていますが、日本からは冨田院長が唯一選出されています。
■EYE and Vision

■EYE and Vision
■著書名:Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
■著 者:Jorge L. Alio (ジョージ・アリオ)
■編 集:Joseph Pikkel(ジョセフ・ピッケル)
2002年 |
■Stem Cells. 2002; 20: 61-72Marked increase in number of dendritic cells in autoimmune-prone (NZW x BXSB) F1 mice with age |
■Immunobiology. 2002; 206: 354-367Immature dendritic cells (CD11c+ CD3- B220- cells) present in mouse peripheral blood |
■Stem Cells. 2002; 20:279-283Bone marrow-derived stem cells can differentiate into retinal cells in injured rat retina |
2004年 |
■British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004; 88: 302-303Long term follow up in a case of successfully treated idiopathic retinal vasculitis, aneurysms, and neuroretinitis (IRVAN) |
■Stem Cells. 2004; 22: 21-26Choroidal neovascularization is provided by bone marrow cells |
2005年 |
■Stem Cells. 2005; 23: 1579-1588Biodegradable polymer composite grafts promote the survival and differentiation of retinal progenitor cells |
■Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2005; 115: 2363-2372Inflammation-induced lymphangiogenesis in the cornea arises from CD11b-positive macrophages |
■Stem Cells 2005; 23: 347-354Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), as well as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), accelerates neovascularization |
2006年 |
■Stem Cells 2006; 24: 2270-2278A comparison of neural differentiation and retinal transplantation with bone marrow-derived cells and retinal progenitor cells |
■Stem Cells. 2006; 24: 2071-2077Treatment and transfer of emphysema by a new bone marrow transplantation method from normal mice to Tsk mice and vice versa |
■Molecular Vision, 2006; 12: 1606-1614.1_Sorbitol causes preferential selection of Muller glial precursors from late retinal progenitor cells in vitro |
2009年 |
■Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, 2009; June: 55-56Implementing New Technologies at Refractive Clinics |
2010年 |
■Clinical Ophthalmology, 2010 Jul 30;4:785-91Treatment of keratoectasia after LASIK by intrastromal corneal ring segments in two patients who had no preoperative risk factors (Case report) |
■Cataract & Refractive Surgery TodayHighlights of Ziemer\’s Refractive Symposium |
■OSN SupersiteCombination of femtsecond, excimer laser produces optimal results in LASIK |
■EyeWorld Asia Pacific Meeting Reporter(Reporting Live from the 25th APAO congress)One great laser |
■European Journal of Ophthalmology (Epub ahead of print)Corneal endothelial cell density after myopic intra-LASIK and the effect of AC gas bubbles on the corneal endothelium |
2011年 |
■Clinical Ophthalmology, 2011;5:231-7. Epub 2011 Feb 16.Conductive keratoplasty for the treatment of presbyopia: comparative study between post- and non-LASIK eyes. |
2012年 |
■Journal of Refractive Surgery, 2012 Jan;28:25-30.Evaluation of LASIK treatment with the Femto LDV in patients with corneal opacity. |
■Journal of Refractive Surgery, 2012 Jan;28:32-6.Management and outcomes of suction loss during LASIK flap creation with a femtosecond laser. |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery, 2012; March: 495-506Simultaneous corneal inlay implantation and laser in situ keratomileusis for presbyopia in patients with hyperopia, myopia, or emmetropia: Six-month results |
■Clinical Ophthalmology; 2012:6 1567-1572Analysis of corneal endothelial cell density and morphology after laser in situ keratomileusis using two types of femtosecond lasers |
2013年 |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery; 2013; 39:752–758Supplementary effect of static cyclotorsion compensation with dynamic cyclotorsion |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery; 2013;39(6):898-905Small-aperture corneal inlay implantation to treat presbyopia after laser in situ keratomileusis |
■Clinical Ophthalmology; 2013;7:1365-71Comparison of DLK Incidence after Laser in Situ Keratomileusis Associated with 2 Femtosecond Lasers: Femto LDV and IntraLase FS60 |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery; 2013; 39(8):1260-1266Corgan syndrome presenting after uneventful laser in situ keratomileusis |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery; 2013 Nov;39(11):1768-73Corneal heat scar caused by photodynamic therapy performed through an implanted corneal inlay |
■Clinical Ophthalmology; 2013;7:1937-40Small-aperture corneal inlay in patients with prior radial keratotomy surgeries. |
■Clinical Ophthalmology; 2013;7:1683-6Small-aperture corneal inlay in presbyopic patients with prior phakic intraocular lens implantation surgery: 3-month results |
■Journal of Catract & Refractive Surgery TODAY; 2013 Oct;Volume 8, No9Presbyopia Correction Using a Combination Technique – Corneal inlay implantation simultaneous with or after LASIK can provide long-term improvements in visual acuity |

2007年 |
■IOL&RS(日本眼内レンズ屈折手術学会誌)Implementing New Technologies at Refractive Clinics |
■IOL&RS(日本眼内レンズ屈折手術学会誌). 2007; 21: 374-379Comparison Study of Intra-Laser In Situ Keratomileusis Using Intralase FS30® and Intralase FS2® |
2009年 |
■Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol). 2009; 63: 1803-1807A case treated by Intra-LASIK in one eye and phakic intraocular lens in the other |
■臨床眼科片眼にIntra-Lasik,他眼に有水晶体眼内レンズ挿入術を行った1例 |
■PTM 最新の疾患別治療マニュアル最新眼科屈折矯正医療の現状 The Latest Trends in Refractive Surgery |
■IOL&RS(日本眼内レンズ屈折手術学会誌)エキシマレーザー装置のメインデフレクタープロテクターの試作 |
2011年 |
■40代からのレーシックで視力回復小柳ルミ子さんの手術体験談とカメラレーシックの特徴が分かりやすく説明されています。 |